Adhesive Laminating Capabilities

Each lamination project and application is unique.  Our experienced team will review your requirements and develop a customized solution to achieve the results you need.

At every stage – concept, design, testing, trial runs, and production – we will guide your laminating project successfully to completion.

Working with a variety of substrates, we can provide you with dual or multi-ply laminations which include:

Adhering two different substrates together to achieve a desired thickness and protective quality.

Adhering the same substrate onto itself to achieve greater thickness, strength, and protective quality.

Laminate plastic film to a substrate to add strengthening, protective, and moisture barrier properties for end product applications.       

Lamination Options:  flood coat, spot, strip and wax

Applications:  paper to paper, paper to film, nonwoven to film

Start your conversation with us today.  Let us evaluate your project and determine the path forward…



Start your conversation with us today. Let us evaluate your project and determine the path forward.

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