Author: Shannon A. Tews

Inside The Box Packaging Solutions

Inside-The-Box Brand Packaging Solutions Custom Printed Tissue and Kraft Paper Brand Packaging Experience As an eCommerce retailer that sells and ships physical products, you understand the importance and value of extending your brand experience from your online presence to your packaging. The moment your customer receives, opens, and unboxes their order, is a crucial marketing […]

Early Supplier Involvement

Early Supplier Involvement A Key Component of Your New Product Development Strategy There is power in an old saying… “When is NOW the right time to get started?”.  It is somewhat cliché, but it is a statement designed to illicit the importance of starting any endeavor early on- as in now. And nowhere else is […]


Welcome to our new website – the new! We are proud to announce the launch of our newly designed website. On behalf of all of us here at Nichols Paper Products, Welcome. Our old website served us well for the past several years, but technology continues to develop and with this redesign we will […]

Laminating – Our Approach To Your Success

Our Approach To Your Success When it comes to laminating, every project is unique. Customers and prospective customers alike contact us with very specific requirements, goals, and applications that they are trying to achieve. In many cases, their goals are so unique and specific, that they are unable to find a converter that is experienced, […]